Java 8: Game Changer

presented by Jack Frosch

About Me

  • Independent Consultant
  • Developer:  Java - 20 years as of May 2016; Groovy / Grails - ~7 years; Android - off and on since SDK 1.5
  • Presenter
    • ​Recent
      • Building a Microservice Federation with Grails at #S2GX 
      • Building Beautiful Grails Apps with Bootstrap at DJUG
      • This talk with the Madison and Milwaukee JUGs 
  • Community
    • Founded and ran Gateway JUG in St. Louis for ~13 years
    • Co-Led DFW Groovy/Grails User Group
  • ​Contact

Before we begin...

  • It's Java 8 not Java 1.8
  • Java 8 has many useful, but boring, enhancements
  • We're just going to talk about the game changers

Java 8 Overview

The Game Changers

  • Interface enhancements: So simple, yet so helpful
  • Lambda expressions: Gateway to functional programming
  • Streams: Freeing developers to think about what not how

Java <8

  • Abstract methods 
  • No state; only static final constants
  • Interfaces can inherit from multiple interfaces
  • Classes can implement multiple interfaces

Java 8+

  • Abstract methods
  • No state; only static final constants
  • Interfaces can inherit from multiple interfaces
  • Classes can implement multiple interfaces
  • Default methods
  • Static methods
  • @FunctionalInterface

Interface Comparison

Demo classic interface

(if desired)

Interfaces since Java 1.6

// starting in 1.5 interfaces could be declared with generics
public class Dog implements Comparable<Dog> {
    final String ownerLastName;
    final String name;

    public Dog(String name, String ownerLastName) { = name;
        this.ownerLastName = ownerLastName;

    public String toString() {
        return ownerLastName + ", " + name;

    @Override // starting in 1.6 @Override applied to interfaces
    public int compareTo(Dog other) {
        int result = ownerLastName.compareTo(other.ownerLastName);
        if (result == 0) {
            result = name.compareTo(;
        return result;


Interfaces since Java 1.6


    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Dog[] dogs = { new Dog("Fido", "Smith"), 
                       new Dog("Fluffy", "Jones"), 
                       new Dog("Fido", "Jones") };

        for(Dog dog: dogs) {

        List<Dog> dawgs = Arrays.asList(dogs);  // Varargs came along in 1.5
        Collections.sort(dawgs);                // Collections as of 1.5
        for(Dog dog: dawgs) {
Smith, Fido
Jones, Fluffy
Jones, Fido

Jones, Fido
Jones, Fluffy
Smith, Fido

What if Oracle did this in Java?

// For illustration only. Java 8 doesn't do this!
public interface Comparable<T> {

    int compareTo(T o);

    // Let's add a new method
    boolean isComparativelyEqual(T o);




Prior to Java 8

  • Interface method(s) were effectively frozen
  • Any changes would break published API
  • Java could not evolve its APIs

Something had to change or Java might be doomed by its inability to adapt to developer expectations

Java 8 interfaces get default methods

// For illustration only. Java 8 doesn't do this!
public interface Comparable<T> {

    int compareTo(T o);

    // Let's add a new method
    default boolean isComparativelyEqual(T o) {
        return compareTo(o) == 0;    

Java API designers can add default behaviors to interfaces!

Default method demo

Default method demo

public interface CustomComparable<T> extends Comparable<T> {

    // This is contrived!!! From JavaDoc for Comparable:
    //   "It is strongly recommended (though not required) that
    //    natural orderings be consistent with equals."
    default boolean isComparativelyEqual(T o) {
        return compareTo(o) == 0;


Default method demo

public class Dog2 implements CustomComparable<Dog2> {
    final String ownerLastName;
    final String name;
    final LocalDate lastVaccination;    // LocalDate new to Java 8

    public Dog2(String name, String ownerLastName, LocalDate lastVaccination) { = name;
        this.ownerLastName = ownerLastName;
        this.lastVaccination = lastVaccination;

    public String toString() {
        return String.format("%s, %s [Last Vaccination: %s]",
                        ownerLastName, name,

    public int compareTo(Dog2 other) {
        int result = ownerLastName.compareTo(other.ownerLastName);
        if (result == 0) {
            result = name.compareTo(;
        return result;


Default method demo


    // Let's include lastVaccination date in equals
    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (this == o) return true;
        if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
        Dog2 dog2 = (Dog2) o;
        return Objects.equals(ownerLastName, dog2.ownerLastName) &&
                Objects.equals(name, &&
                Objects.equals(lastVaccination, dog2.lastVaccination);

    public int hashCode() {
        return Objects.hash(ownerLastName, name, lastVaccination);


Default method demo


    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Dog2 fido_smith = new Dog2("Fido", "Smith",;
        Dog2 fido_smith2 = new Dog2("Fido", "Smith",
                                                              .minus(3, ChronoUnit.WEEKS));
        Dog2 fluffy_jones = new Dog2("Fluffy", "Jones", LocalDate.of(2015, Month.JULY, 1));
        Dog2 fido_jones = new Dog2("Fido", "Jones", LocalDate.parse("2015-02-28"));

        Dog2[] dogs = { fido_smith, fido_jones, fluffy_jones, fido_smith2 };

        // omitted sorting demo code as it was the same as before

        System.out.println("\nComparatively Equal");
        System.out.println("Are Fido Jones & Fido Smith equal? "
                                + fido_jones.equals(fido_smith));
        System.out.println("Are Fido Jones & Fido Smith comparatively equal? " 
                                + fido_jones.isComparativelyEqual(fido_smith));
        System.out.println("Are Fido Smith & Fido Smith #2 equal? " 
                                + fido_smith.equals(fido_smith2));
        System.out.println("Are Fido Smith & Fido Smith #2 comparatively equal? " 
                                + fido_smith.isComparativelyEqual(fido_smith2));

Default method demo

Smith, Fido [Last Vaccination: 2015-10-04]
Jones, Fido [Last Vaccination: 2015-02-28]
Jones, Fluffy [Last Vaccination: 2015-07-01]
Smith, Fido [Last Vaccination: 2015-09-13]

Jones, Fido [Last Vaccination: 2015-02-28]
Jones, Fluffy [Last Vaccination: 2015-07-01]
Smith, Fido [Last Vaccination: 2015-10-04]
Smith, Fido [Last Vaccination: 2015-09-13]

Comparatively Equal
Are Fido Jones & Fido Smith equal? false
Are Fido Jones & Fido Smith comparatively equal? false
Are Fido Smith & Fido Smith #2 equal? false
Are Fido Smith & Fido Smith #2 comparatively equal? true

And the diamond problem?

Method resolution

  1. Subtypes carry default methods from super types

  2. A subtype's default method overrides super type's
  3. Class implementations of method override any interface default implementation of the same method
  4. A conflict between two default methods or a default method and an abstract method requires class to implement method. Note: Can't just make the class abstract!

Demo default method resolution

(if desired)

Default method resolution

public interface Greetable {
    void greet();

public interface English extends Greetable {
    default void greet() { System.out.println("Hello"); }

public interface French extends Greetable {
    default void greet() { System.out.println("Bonjour"); }

public interface German extends Greetable {
    default void greet() { System.out.println("Guten Tag"); }

public interface AmericanEnglish extends English {
    default void greet() { System.out.println("Hi"); }

    // We need to do this to unhide the English method
    default void greetFormalEnglish() {

Default method resolution

public class Greeter implements AmericanEnglish, French, German {

    // Comment greet() implementation  out to see the compiler complain
    public void greet() {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Greeter greeter = new Greeter();


    private void greetInFrench() { French.super.greet(); }

    private void greetInGerman() { German.super.greet(); }

    private void greetInAmericanEnglish() { AmericanEnglish.super.greet(); }

    private void greetInEnglish() { AmericanEnglish.super.greetFormalEnglish(); }
Guten Tag

Functional Interfaces

  • Declare a single, abstract method (SAM)
  • May implement static method(s)
  • May implement default method(s)
  • May be tagged with @FunctionalInterface
    • Compiler will complain if you have other than one abstract method

Functional Interfaces

  • Some examples you know:
    • Comparable
    • Runnable
  • Some new to Java 8
    • Consumer
    • Function
    • Predicate
    • Supplier
    • ... many more in java.util.function

What do they give us?

If a method takes a functional interface as a parameter,

then we can pass the following:

  • An anonymous inner class, the old-fashioned way (but why??)
  • A lambda expression; i.e. (arg) -> { statement } 
  • A method or constructor reference

e.g. Predicate interface

public interface Predicate<T> {

     * Evaluates this predicate on the given argument.
     * @param t the input argument
     * @return {@code true} if the input argument matches the predicate,
     * otherwise {@code false}
    boolean test(T t);

    // some default methods omitted here

Method takes a Predicate

// a method that accepts a Predicate
public List<Integer> pickSome(List<Integer> values,
                              Predicate<Integer> pickingStrategy) {

    List<Integer> results = new ArrayList<>();
    for(Integer candidate: values) {
        if(pickingStrategy.test(candidate)) {

    return results;

Use Anonymous Inner Class

List<Integer> values = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10);

List<Integer> evens = pickSome(values, new Predicate<Integer>() {
                                             public boolean test(Integer value) {
                                                 return value % 2 == 0;

// results: 2,4,6,8,10

Use Lambda expression

List<Integer> values = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10);

List<Integer> evens = pickSome(values, value -> value % 2 == 0);

// results: 2,4,6,8,10

Lambda Expressions

// Think of lambda expressions as disembodied methods
// the -> operator separates arguments from implementation

// general form
(TypeA argument1, TypeB argument2) -> {
                                        doSomething... ;
                                        doDomethingElse... ;
                                        return something;
// no-args
() -> { statement body }

// one argument
(TypeC argument1) -> { statement body }

// type can often be inferred by compiler (but will be non-final)
(argument1) -> { statement body }

// if statement body is one statement, braces optional
(argument1) -> statement

// argument parentheses optional for one argument
value -> statement

forEach(Consumer interface)

// The Iterable interface now has a default forEach method

default void forEach(Consumer<? super T> action) {
    for (T t : this) {


public interface Consumer<T> {

     * Performs this operation on the given argument.
     * @param t the input argument
    void accept(T t);

    // some default methods omitted here

Use Method reference

// Think of method references are shorthand expressions 
// where argument(s) can be inferred

// General syntax is
// instance::methodName or Type::methodName

// When to use? Whenever you might use a lamdba expression 
// just to pass a value through to a method

Instead of:
    list.forEach(value -> System.out.println(value))

If you have a method declared like:
    map(Function<T, R> f) {...}
instead of:
    map(value -> value.toUpperCase())

Method references

Kind Example
Reference to a static method ContainingClass::staticMethodName
Reference to an instance method of a particular object containingObject::
Reference to an instance method of an arbitrary object of a particular type ContainingType::methodName
Reference to a constructor ClassName::new

Use Method reference

// Example of how we can get to point of using method reference

List<Integer> values = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10);

values.forEach((Integer value) -> System.out.println(value));

// better
values.forEach((value) -> System.out.println(value));

// better still
values.forEach(value -> System.out.println(value));

// best

// results: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

Method / C'tor reference demo

Method reference demo

public class MethodReferenceDemo {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        List<String> names = Arrays.asList("Barb", "Bob", "Sarah", "Steve");

        System.out.println("Using lambda");
        names.forEach(name -> System.out.println(name));

        System.out.println("\nLet's imperatively transform the collection");
        System.out.println("Then use method reference to print them out...");

        List<String> transformedValues = new ArrayList<String>();
        names.forEach(name -> transformedValues.add(name.toUpperCase()));
Using lambda

Let's imperatively transform the collection
Then use method reference to print them out...

C'tor reference demo 1

public class CtorReferenceDemo {
    static class Foo {

        static int instanceCount;
        private Foo() {

        static Foo create(Supplier<Foo> supplier) {
            return supplier.get();

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            Foo foo = Foo.create(Foo::new); // Foo:new returns Supplier<Foo>

C'tor reference demo 2

public class CtorReferenceDemo2 {
    private static class Foo {

        static int instanceCount;

        private Foo() {

        private Foo(LocalTime now) {
            System.out.println(now + ": " + instanceCount);

        static Foo create(LocalTime now, Function<LocalTime, Foo> function) {
            return function.apply(now);

    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            Foo foo = Foo.create(, Foo::new); //Function<LocalTime, Foo>
11:53:31.232: 1
11:53:31.805: 2
11:53:32.308: 3
11:53:32.811: 4
11:53:33.315: 5
11:53:33.818: 6
11:53:34.321: 7
11:53:34.822: 8
11:53:35.326: 9
11:53:35.831: 10

C'tor reference demo 3

public class CtorReferenceDemo3 {
    private static interface FooFactory<String, LocalTime> {
        Foo create(String msg, LocalTime time);

    private static class Foo {
        static int instanceCount;

        private Foo() { instanceCount++; }

        private Foo(String msg, LocalTime now) {
            System.out.println(msg + " - " + now + ": " + instanceCount);

    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            FooFactory<String, LocalTime> factory = Foo::new;
Hello - 15:13:07.757: 1
Hello - 15:13:08.268: 2
Hello - 15:13:08.772: 3
Hello - 15:13:09.273: 4
Hello - 15:13:09.777: 5
Hello - 15:13:10.281: 6
Hello - 15:13:10.784: 7
Hello - 15:13:11.285: 8
Hello - 15:13:11.790: 9
Hello - 15:13:12.293: 10


  • The imperative approach
  • The same thing done with functional approach
  • Interesting notes about streams

Imperative approach

BigDecimal calculateTaxableTotal() {
    BigDecimal taxableTotal = BigDecimal.ZERO;

    for(LineItem item: lineItems) {
        if(item.isTaxable()) {
            taxableTotal = taxableTotal.add(item.calculateTotal());
    return taxableTotal;

Declare mutable




What's wrong here?

  • "The love of mutation is the root of all evil"
  • We've buried the filtering logic inside a loop
  • We're telling the program how to iterate, so computers laugh at us after we go home
  • Even though only some of the items are taxable, we loop all the way through the loop to make sure we have all of the taxable items taxed 

We finally yield an answer. Now do it concurrently!

Functional approach

public BigDecimal calculateTaxableTotal() {
                             .reduce(BigDecimal.ZERO, BigDecimal::add);

What's going on here?

  • None of our variables are mutated
  • We've said we want to filter using method reference
  • We transformed our LineItem to a BigDecimal using calculateTotal
  • We're telling the program to iterate, not how to iterate
  • We total the BigDecimals in the collection, initializing with ZERO
  • Since only some of the items are taxable, the operations are lazy up to reduce 

Lazy Evaluation

public class LazyEvalExample {
    static int inTheZone;

    static Integer map(final Integer val) {
        System.out.println("Transforming " + val + "...");
        return val * val;

    static boolean filter(final Integer val) {
        System.out.print("Filtering " + val + "... ");
        boolean filtered = val >= inTheZone - 5 && val % 5 == 0;
        System.out.println(filtered ? "Included" : "Skipped");

        return filtered;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        inTheZone = new Random().nextInt(100);

        System.out.println("The inTheZone value: " + inTheZone);

        Stream<Integer> values = IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 100).boxed();
        Stream<Integer> partiallyProcessed = values.filter(LazyEvalExample::filter)

        System.out.println("We've prepared to filter and map transform the values...");
        System.out.println("... now find and transform upon executing the terminal method");
        int firstFoundSquare = partiallyProcessed.findFirst().get();

        System.out.println("The square of the first found value " + firstFoundSquare);

Lazy Evaluation

The inTheZone value: 24
We've prepared to filter and map transform the values...
... now find and transform upon executing the terminal method
Filtering 1... Skipped
Filtering 2... Skipped
Filtering 3... Skipped
Filtering 4... Skipped
Filtering 5... Skipped
Filtering 6... Skipped
Filtering 7... Skipped
Filtering 8... Skipped
Filtering 9... Skipped
Filtering 10... Skipped
Filtering 11... Skipped
Filtering 12... Skipped
Filtering 13... Skipped
Filtering 14... Skipped
Filtering 15... Skipped
Filtering 16... Skipped
Filtering 17... Skipped
Filtering 18... Skipped
Filtering 19... Skipped
Filtering 20... Included
Transforming 20...
The square of the first found value 400

Lazy Evaluation 2

public class LazyEvalExample2 {
    private static int inTheZone;

    static Integer map(final Integer val) {
        System.out.println("Transforming " + val + "...");
        return val * val;

    static boolean filter1(final Integer val) {
        System.out.print("Filter 1: Filtering " + val + "... ");
        boolean filtered = val >= inTheZone - 5 && val <= inTheZone + 5;
        System.out.println(filtered ? "Included" : "Skipped");

        return filtered;

    static boolean filter2(final Integer val) {
        System.out.print("Filter 2: Filtering " + val + "... ");
        boolean filtered = val % 3 == 0;
        System.out.println(filtered ? "Included" : "Skipped");

        return filtered;

    private static Integer terminate(Stream<Integer> values) {
//        return values.reduce(0, (Integer a, Integer b) -> a + b);
        return values.findFirst().get();


Lazy Evaluation 2 cont'd

   public static void main(String[] args) {
        inTheZone = 21;

        System.out.println("The inTheZone value: " + inTheZone);

        Stream<Integer> values = IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 25).boxed();
        Stream<Integer> lazilyProcessed = values.filter(LazyEvalExample2::filter1)

        System.out.println("We've prepared to filter and map transform the values...");
        System.out.println("... now find and transform upon executing the terminal method");
        int sumOfSquares = terminate(lazilyProcessed);

        System.out.println("The sum of squares in the zone: " + sumOfSquares);

Lazy Evaluation 2

The inTheZone value: 21
We've prepared to filter and map transform the values...
... now find and transform upon executing the terminal [findFirst] method
Filter 1: Filtering 1... Skipped
Filter 1: Filtering 2... Skipped
Filter 1: Filtering 3... Skipped
Filter 1: Filtering 4... Skipped
Filter 1: Filtering 5... Skipped
Filter 1: Filtering 6... Skipped
Filter 1: Filtering 7... Skipped
Filter 1: Filtering 8... Skipped
Filter 1: Filtering 9... Skipped
Filter 1: Filtering 10... Skipped
Filter 1: Filtering 11... Skipped
Filter 1: Filtering 12... Skipped
Filter 1: Filtering 13... Skipped
Filter 1: Filtering 14... Skipped
Filter 1: Filtering 15... Skipped
Filter 1: Filtering 16... Included
Filter 2: Filtering 16... Skipped
Filter 1: Filtering 17... Included
Filter 2: Filtering 17... Skipped
Filter 1: Filtering 18... Included
Filter 2: Filtering 18... Included
Transforming 18...
The sum of squares in the zone: 324
The inTheZone value: 21
We've prepared to filter and map transform the values...
... now find and transform upon executing the terminal [reduce] method
Filter 1: Filtering 1... Skipped
Filter 1: Filtering 2... Skipped
Filter 1: Filtering 3... Skipped
Filter 1: Filtering 15... Skipped
Filter 1: Filtering 16... Included
Filter 2: Filtering 16... Skipped
Filter 1: Filtering 17... Included
Filter 2: Filtering 17... Skipped
Filter 1: Filtering 18... Included
Filter 2: Filtering 18... Included
Transforming 18...
Filter 1: Filtering 19... Included
Filter 2: Filtering 19... Skipped
Filter 1: Filtering 20... Included
Filter 2: Filtering 20... Skipped
Filter 1: Filtering 21... Included
Filter 2: Filtering 21... Included
Transforming 21...
Filter 1: Filtering 22... Included
Filter 2: Filtering 22... Skipped
Filter 1: Filtering 23... Included
Filter 2: Filtering 23... Skipped
Filter 1: Filtering 24... Included
Filter 2: Filtering 24... Included
Transforming 24...
Filter 1: Filtering 25... Included
Filter 2: Filtering 25... Skipped
The sum of squares in the zone: 1341

Full Functional Demo

A LineItem

class LineItem {
    static long TIME_TO_CALCULATE_TOTAL = 50;

    private final Order order;
    private final String product;
    private final int quantity;
    private final BigDecimal salePrice;
    private final boolean taxable;

    LineItem(Order order, String product, int quantity,
                    BigDecimal salePrice, boolean taxable) {
        this.order = order;
        this.product = product;
        this.quantity = quantity;
        this.salePrice = salePrice;
        this.taxable = taxable;

    BigDecimal calculateTotal() {
        return salePrice.multiply(new BigDecimal(quantity));

    boolean isTaxable() { return taxable; }

An Order has LineItems

class Order {
    String orderId;
    LocalDate orderDate;
    BigDecimal taxRate;
    final List<LineItem> lineItems = new ArrayList<>();

    Order(String orderId, LocalDate orderDate, BigDecimal taxRate) {

    BigDecimal calculateTaxableTotal() {
        BigDecimal taxableTotal = BigDecimal.ZERO;
       for(LineItem item: lineItems) {
            if(item.isTaxable()) { taxableTotal = taxableTotal.add(item.calculateTotal()); }
        return taxableTotal;

    BigDecimal calculateNontaxableTotal() {
        BigDecimal nontaxableTotal = BigDecimal.ZERO;
        for(LineItem item: lineItems) {
            if(!item.isTaxable()) { nontaxableTotal = nontaxableTotal.add(item.calculateTotal()); }
        return nontaxableTotal;
    BigDecimal calculateTax() {
        return calculateTaxableTotal().multiply(taxRate).setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN);

    BigDecimal calculateTotal() {
        return calculateNontaxableTotal().add(calculateTaxableTotal().add(calculateTax()));

An OrderFactory

public class OrderFactory {
    static Order createOrder() {
        Order order = new Order("Order 1",, new BigDecimal("0.05"));
        return order;

    static void addLineItems(Order order) {
        order.addLineItem(new LineItem(order, "Radio", 1, new BigDecimal("100.00"), true));
        order.addLineItem(new LineItem(order, "Book", 2, new BigDecimal("15.00"), true));
        order.addLineItem(new LineItem(order, "DVD", 1, new BigDecimal("10.00"), true));
        order.addLineItem(new LineItem(order, "Milk", 1, new BigDecimal("3.50"), false));
        order.addLineItem(new LineItem(order, "Fruit", 5, new BigDecimal("3.00"), false));
        order.addLineItem(new LineItem(order, "Alcohol", 5, new BigDecimal("20.00"), true));
        order.addLineItem(new LineItem(order, "Cereal", 3, new BigDecimal("5.00"), false));
        order.addLineItem(new LineItem(order, "Soup", 10, new BigDecimal("1.00"), false));
        order.addLineItem(new LineItem(order, "Bread", 2, new BigDecimal("3.00"), false));
        order.addLineItem(new LineItem(order, "Eggs", 2, new BigDecimal("2.50"), false));


Let's test it

public class ImperativeExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();

        Order order = OrderFactory.createOrder();
        System.out.println("Non-taxable total: " + order.calculateNontaxableTotal());
        System.out.println("Taxable total: " + order.calculateTaxableTotal());
        System.out.println("Tax: " + order.calculateTax());
        System.out.println("Order total: " + order.calculateTotal());

        System.out.println("Total time (secs): " + 
                            (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) / 1000.0);
Non-taxable total: 54.50
Taxable total: 240.00
Tax: 12.00
Order total: 306.50
Total time (secs): 1.61

A more functional Order

public class Order2 extends Order {
    Order2(String orderId, LocalDate orderDate, BigDecimal taxRate) {
        super(orderId, orderDate, taxRate);

    public BigDecimal calculateTaxableTotal() {
        return getStream().filter(LineItem::isTaxable)
                          .reduce(BigDecimal.ZERO, BigDecimal::add);

    public BigDecimal calculateNontaxableTotal() {
        return getStream().filter(item -> !item.isTaxable())
                          .reduce(BigDecimal.ZERO, BigDecimal::add);

    private Stream<LineItem> getStream() {

Modify our OrderFactory

public class OrderFactory {

    static Order2 createOrder2() {
        Order2 order = new Order2("Order 2",, new BigDecimal("0.05"));
        return order;


Let's test it

public class FunctionalExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Order order = OrderFactory.createOrder2();

        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();

        System.out.println("Non-taxable total: " + order.calculateNontaxableTotal());
        System.out.println("Taxable total: " + order.calculateTaxableTotal());
        System.out.println("Tax: " + order.calculateTax());
        System.out.println("Order total: " + order.calculateTotal());

        System.out.println("Total time (secs): " 
                            + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) / 1000.0);
Non-taxable total: 54.50
Taxable total: 240.00
Tax: 12.00
Order total: 306.50
Total time (secs): 1.489
The imperative way...

Non-taxable total: 54.50
Taxable total: 240.00
Tax: 12.00
Order total: 306.50
Total time (secs): 1.61

What have we learned

  • Functional gives us the same results with less code
  • Functional code is more fluent
  • Performance is about equal

Let's change it up a bit...

  • Slow down the LineItem calculateTotal
  • Switch to parallel stream and see it go!

Bonus: Groovy & Java 8

import java.util.function.Predicate

public List<Integer> pickSome(List<Integer> values,
                              Predicate<Integer> pickingStrategy) {

List<Integer> values = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

List<Integer> evens = pickSome(values, {value -> value % 2 == 0})
println evens

List<Integer> odds = pickSome(values) { value -> value % 2 != 0 }
println odds

// Groovy already had these functional behaviors years ago :-)
def threes = values.findAll { value -> value % 3 == 0 }
println threes

Bonus: Testing Lambdas

//... package and imports omitted
public class LambdaTestDemo {
    final List<Integer> numbers = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10);
    Predicate<Integer> numberPicker;

    public void setUp() { numberPicker = value -> value % 2 != 0; }

    public void testIsOddNumberLambda() { assertTrue("101 is odd", 
                                             numberPicker.test(101)); }

    public void testOddNumberLambda_YieldsFalseForEvenNumbers() {
          assertFalse("100 is not odd", numberPicker.test(100));

    public void testOddNumberPicker() {
        List<Integer> odds =
        assertEquals(Arrays.asList(1, 3, 5, 7, 9), odds);


  • Functional interfaces & lambda expressions are cool
  • However, they're just the tip of the iceberg
  • The real game changer is the new way you'll start thinking about programming functionally
    • Stop telling computers how to do simple things. Otherwise, you just give them something to laugh at us about after we go home!


Title image of Duke chiseling Lambda from:

"Computers laugh at us after we go home..." courtesy of Neal Ford, @neal4d


Q. What about functional programming with futures?

A. See

Thank you!

Java8: GameChanger for SDJUG

By Jack Frosch

Java8: GameChanger for SDJUG

Java 8's functional programming enhancements are a true game changer

  • 5,843